International Book Distributors

Dehradun, Uttarakhand.(India)

Principles and Methods of Plant Breeding.

Authors : Saravana, T., Vanangamudi, K
ISBN : 81-7089-329-1
Published Year : 2005
Pages : pp. xii+186



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This book has been prepared especially for Undergraduate students of Agriculture and Postgraduate students of Agriculture whose area of specialization is Plant Breeding and Genetics.

The first five chapters describe the fundamental concepts of Plant Breeding. The chapters sixth to eleventh broadly explain various methods of breeding in self-pollinated, cross-pollinated and asexually reproduced crops. Specific breeding methods like resistance breeding; mutation breeding, polyploidy breeding and distant hybridization were explained in twelfth to fifteenth chapters. While chapter sixteen contains matters regarding biodiversity, chapters seventeen through nineteen largely explains about the recent techniques in crop improvement like, gene patenting, biometrics and molecular marker assisted selection.